record / work / play

Sony Music

Together with studio karhard we developed an interior concept for SONY MUSIC RUSSIA's recording studio in Moscow. A section of an old factory building creates a space for artistic development, inspiring encounters, and productive work opportunities. The local repertoire team is moving completely to this location and will operate a kind of internal co-working space there.

The Challenge

The special challenge of this project was not only to design, plan, and coordinate everything remotely during a pandemic, but also to achieve a high functional density in a relatively small space.

The project involved integrating an extraordinarily high-tech recording studio with complex construction, a relaxation area for artists between recording sessions, open and private meeting spaces, an expandable stage for concerts and release parties, as well as a multifunctional area for special events and streams. Additionally, the space is intended to be used as a co-working area during the day.

The lighting design allows the room to be transformed between these modes with the push of a button. During the day, for example, the lighting supports natural light to make the room appear bright and open, while colored accents create a club atmosphere in the evening.


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Johann Gooßen  |  +(49)170 34 15 746  |  |  Berlin, Germany

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